![]() Greater Amberjack:
Federal Gulf of Mexico : Closed June and July annually; 1 fish per person per day; 0 bag limit for for-hire captain and crew Amberjack are found throughout Florida’s offshore fisheries.They can generally be found around structure with high relief in deeper water. Amberjack are a schooling fish, and it is not uncommon to see many others follow your hooked fish up to within feet of the boat. Amberjack are extremely strong fighters and are often referred to as "Reef Donkeys". They make good tablefair, be it fried, grilled, or smoked. 34" fork length minmum |
![]() Red Grouper:
Federal Gulf of Mexico: Open year round. Closed seaward of the 20 fathom line from Jan-March 31 Red Grouper are one of our area staples. Found in all depth ranges, these fish are ferocious eaters. They can generally be found around hard bottom areas as well as notable structure. Common sizes are from 14-24", with larger fish up to and exceeding 30" possible. These fish participate in the "ten foot tug of war". If you are able to gain line and get the fish up 10 feet, you usually are the winner of the war. If you dont, the fish will usually swim into a hole or around structure and break you off. They are excellent table fair. Federal Water 2 per person part of 4 aggreagate grouper. 20" minimum size. |
![]() Gag Grouper:
Federal Gulf of Mexico:Closed from Jan-MArch 31 Found in all depth ranges as shallow as a few feet out to 300+ feet of water, these fish are ferocious eaters. They like ledges, rockpiles, as well as notable structure. Common sizes are from 16-24", with larger fish up to and exceeding 30" possible. These fish hit your bait like a freight train. If you are able to gain line and get the fish up 10 feet, you usually are the winner of the war. If you dont, the fish will usually swim into a hole or around structure and break you off. They are excellent table fair. Federal Water 2 per person part of 4 aggreagate grouper. 24" minimum size. |
![]() Lane Snapper:
Federal Gulf of Mexico: Open Year Round 20 per person with 8" minimum size Can be found in waters as shallow as 30 ft and deeper. Common sizes are from 10-12", with larger fish up to in the 16-18" range possible. These fish school together, so generally when you find one there are more around. They are a beautiful fish with lots of vibrant color. Will eat a variety of different baits. Make excellent table fair. |
![]() Mangrove Snapper:
Federal Gulf of Mexico: Open Year Round Federal Waters: 10 per person within snapper aggregate 12" minimum state waters: 5 per person, 10" minimum Can be found both inshore and offshore. . Common sizes are from 10-14", with larger fish up to in the 20-25" range possible. These fish school together, so generally when you find one there are more around. They fight extremely hard and are fun to catch on lighter tackle . Will eat a variety of different baits. Summer full moons can produce the largest fish. Make excellent table fair. |
![]() Mutton Snapper:
Federal Gulf of Mexico: Open Year Round Federal Waters: 5 per person, 18" minimum Can be found both inshore and offshore. . Common sizes are from 14-16", with larger fish up to in the 20-25" range possible. These fish are one of the toughest snapper to target, and the angler must be super patient. The fish like to pick up and run several yards with your bait and drop it. This can happen several times before they decide to actually eat it. They fight extremely hard and like to make long strong runs along the bottom . Most commonly found further south and in deeper water. Make excellent table fair. |
![]() American RED Snapper:
Federal Gulf of Mexico: june 1st-july 20th Federal Waters: 2 per person within snapper aggregate 16" minimum state waters: TBD In our waters, we need to run out pretty far to find them. They are a prized and coveted species, but have a very short season. Fish are often found in large schools. They will eat a wide range of baits, from squid, crabs, cut finfish, live baits, all the way to jigs and artifical lures.. They are a hard fighting fish that fight you the whole way. Fish in the 7-8 lb class are not uncommon, with larger fish in the 10-15 lb range making appearances from time to time. Throughout the country, red snapper can be found on many upscale menus. Make excellent table fair. |
![]() Yellowtail Snapper:
Federal Gulf of Mexico: open year round Federal Waters: 10 per person within snapper aggregate 12" minimum Most anglers pursue yellowtail snapper during the warmer months, but they can be caught throughout the year. Yellowtail snapper is highly prized for its light, flaky meat and is considered by some to be one of the best of the snapper family. Light tackle is the generally accepted means of catching yellowtail snapper. Typically, the fish are relatively wary of higher-test or thicker line, and larger hooks. Most fish caught by anglers range from eight to 14 in, although catches to 16 in are not uncommon. Yellowtail snapper can be caught on a variety of baits, including both live and frozen shrimp, squid, and a variety of live and frozen minnows or smaller baitfish. Yellowtail tend to be wary fish, and the appearance of larger predators, such as dolphins or sharks, can scare off schools until the predator leaves the area. |
![]() Barracuda:
Federal Gulf of Mexico: open year round Federal Waters: No size limit, bag limit by RS standards These toothy fish are some of the most fun to catch, especially on light tackle. We can usually find them willing and cooperative to eat around many of our local wrecks. They enjoy high relief structure, and frisky, shiny baits. Because of their extremely sharp teeth, a trace of wire leader is generally required. The average barracuda is in the 10-15 lb class, with fish pushing the 40 and 50 lb range possible. They can be excellent table fair as they have white flesh, but the smaller ones (10 lbs and under) are recommeneded as the larger ones can contain ciguatera. ![]() Cobia:
Federal Gulf of Mexico: open year round Federal Waters: 1 per person per day, 6 per boat 33" minimum fork length Perhap one of the best tasting fish in our water, the cobia is always a welcomed site when offshore! Found around reefs, wrecks, following large rays, sharks and whales, or even randomly free swimming, these hard fighting fish will eat a large range of finfish as well as crabs, eels, shrimp and aritficial lures. They can be super picky at times as well, leaving the angler feeling frustrated. They range in size, witha legal fish at 33" to the fork and fish upwards of 100 lbs possible. Excellent tale fair. ![]() Vermillion Snapper:
Federal Gulf of Mexico: open year round Federal Waters: 10 per person per day 10" minimum, not included in snapper aggrgate These tasty snapper are a schooling fish that are sometimes found in "clouds" out in deeper water. When you come across a good school, you can pluck these fun fighting fish up as fast as you can get a line in the water. They range in size, with the average size being around a 1, with bigger ones in the 3-4 lb class possible. Their bright pink color and large eyes make them an easily distinguished snapper. They make excellent tablefair. |
![]() King Mackeral (KingFish):
Federal Gulf of Mexico: open year round Federal Waters: 3 per person per day 24" minimum fork While spring and fall migrations of these fish give the best chance at landing one of the toothy speedy predators, they can be caught year round. Firsky live baits are usually the ticket to success around reefs, wrecks, and hard bottom. The fish can range in size, but give incredible first runs (and second or third runs on the big ones) that can dump a spool of line in no time. As the fish get bigger, we refer to them as "Smokers", both for their incredible runs, as well as their excellent table fair in the smoker. They make great fish dip. ![]() Trpletail:
Federal Gulf of Mexico: open year round Federal Waters:2 per person per day 15" minimum These fish are drawn to floating debris. Be it an old palm tree, a bed of seagrass, or crab trap bouys,you can sometimes find them just below the surface waiting for an easy meal to swim by. They love crabs and srimp, but can be swayed to eat a small fish or jig if presented right. They can grow to relatively large with fish caught in the high teens on occassion. The are excellent table fair once you get past their armor like scales. ![]() Scamp Grouper:
Federal Gulf of Mexico: open year round Federal Waters: 4 per person per day within grouper aggregate 16" minimum Another highly coveted species, the scamp grouper are generally a deeper water species that associate itself with rock piles and ledges. They will eat both live and dead baits. These fish range in size, with common catches of barely legal 16-18 inch fish up to 10-12 pounders possible. Their bright yellow eyes, and characteristic broom tail set these beautiful grouper apart. They are highly regarded for their ultra white flesh. They make excellent table fair. |
![]() Spanish Mackeral :
Federal Gulf of Mexico: open year round Federal Waters: 15 per person per day 12" minimum fork These speedy, toothy species make large appearances once the water temperatures cool down. They can b caught both inshore and offshore. Baits range from shrimp and live finfish, to bright and shiny jigs and lures. They like fast moving lures and will chase them down. usually when you catch one, there are lots more around. Trolling with silver spoons can also result in some nice catches. A trace of metal leader or a long shank hook is recommended to avoid cutoffs from the sharp teeth. The action can be fast and furious. Make great tablefair when eaten fresh. |
![]() Porgy/Margate:
Federal Gulf of Mexico: open year round Federal Waters: no size limit, 100 lb bag limit One of the most underrated species, the porgy is one of my favorite for both their hard fight and their amazing white flesh. They can be caught in shallow waters and deep alike. The shallow water fish tend to be 12-14" fish, with fish in the 5-15 lb class possible out in deeper waters. The have a very characteristic fight as they try to "dig" to ty and get back to their homes. Fantastic Table Fair. |